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  • Writer's pictureShante Shanelle

Ain't Nothing Wrong With a Little Support

Updated: Sep 13, 2019

On my first day of Nail school as I was sitting in orientation waiting for it to start and a young lady came into the room. I said hello to the young lady and started a conversation as it turned out she was also entering into the nail care program at ISSN. I asked her if she was excited and she replied yes. She told me that she had been putting it off for sometime but she felt she was ready. Me being the upfront and a little intrusive person that I am asked her what made her put it off so long. She told me that she was a discouraged. Of course I asked why?. Her reason for being discouraged and delaying her journey to a new career path that she seemed to be excited about is what led me to write this subject for today.

I know y'all are saying Shante well what was her reason.....Welp classmate said that she had went to a Vietnamese nail salon somewhere in Georgia and while she was getting her nails done by a Vietnamese nail tech (no shade) my classmate told the nail tech that she wanted to learn to do nails and that she found a school and was planning on attending.

My classmate then said that the nail tech told her that she would not be a successful nail tech and would not be able to build a solid clientele because and I quote " Black women do not support each other". When my classmate said that I was immediately offended, and was like she said what??? Then I had to think about it for a second keep it 1000 with myself and I agreed. That is absolutely a true statement. It's not just a black women issue it is a black people issue these days. I know I may receive some flack from this BUT I am going to keep it completely 1000 with you all. I am not coming to have a debate on the issue only to give some insight.

For many many years within the black community in particular there has been a sense of division. Field nigger vs. house nigger, light skin vs. dark skin, good hair vs. bad hair, rich vs. poor, popular vs. unpopular, pretty vs. ugly, guided vs. misguided. You name it the division has been prevalent and intricate in the black community. We all know where this division and separation within the community came from so there is no need to give you a history lesson on that. We can google that information in this day and age.

The point is that it is not only something that our community sees between each other BUT  it is also a well known fact to people and groups of people outside of the black community. They see our lack of unity and they see we are willing to look down on each other and be un-supportive towards each other in cases other than police brutality. Now do not get me wrong I know that jealously and envy is in every culture of people, it is human nature. Yes but I am not White Asian or Hispanic I AM BLACK. I can and will only speak on what I see within the community in which I identify and am apart of.

Back to the topic at hand now the nail tech may have made this statement intentionally to discourage my classmate from pursuing her dreams so my classmate would not be competition for her or because the nail tech really does not think black women support each other. The idea and stigma that black people don't support each other has to change. We have been preaching unity forever and yes there were many attempts to unify only for the powers that be to find a away to take it way time and time again.

Would you agree that in the upbringing of a child in this world that having a support system is very important? Most if not all of us would agree that it was important to the upbringing of a child. Would you agree that a child with a strong support system makes better choices in life? Welp.. According to research it shows that children and adults that have a great support system have these attributes

  • are more effective at work and at home

  • keep resolutions, particularly those involving their health and physical well-being

  • weather personal and professional challenges more easily

  • are less likely to feel overwhelmed

  • find it easier to maintain perspective, stay healthier on all levels—mentally, physically  and emotionally

  • are less likely to feel isolated (isolation can lead to feelings of despair and failure)

  • experience less stress and burnout

  • have children who are comfortable asking for and receiving support and help from others”

I would also add that strong support networks are helpful for:

  • research and decision-making

  • brainstorming and inspiration

  • exploring and getting feedback on ideas

  • building the confidence and courage to try new techniques and technologies

  • keeping a sense of perspective, even finding humor, in difficult or trying situations

  • accountability


Now if this is what a support system can do for children and adults on an individual level, imagine what is could do for a community level with people that have these attributes. We as a people would be proactive as oppose to reactive. Just a little food for thought.

Until next time have a Blingtastic Day!

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