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  • Writer's pictureShante Shanelle

Can't Do This Anymore?

Updated: Sep 13, 2019

When entering into any new season in life that is different from where you once were there is always a part of you that doesn't want to change. That part that says "I want success" but doesn't want to take action or lets others thing interrupt taking action. It is THAT part of self that some not ALL people have and need to get a hold of.

In my own life I have seen this play out time and time again. I start off very strong like a runner coming out of the gate in a 100 meter dash only to lose momentum, slow down or completely stop because the finish line is further away than I have energy for and start feeling fatigued. Only to be mad at myself for not being as successful as I want to and could be. Over my 32 years of life in certain areas I see that because of this I have not gotten me any closer to the success that I want to have. And that is REAL (I like to keep it 1000 with myself even if the truth hurts).

Now for those that are familiar with track and field or running period you know that being able to run the 100 meter dash race requires a strong start. Its a burst of speed that is maintained for a short amount of time.

📷On the another hand there are the 3000, 5000, or 10,000 meter races that require still a strong start in speed but the burst of speed can not be maintain for long distances. I have never been a long distance runner and actually hate it. BUT in all that I hate about long distance running I do understand, respect, and appreciate the metaphoric revelation it brings in the race of life and achieving your goals/success.

Long distance running requires physical endurance and stamina. The runner has to learn how to properly exert his/ her energy and speed so that he/she is able to run for extended length of  time and distance.What I found most interesting about long distance runners is that, their ability to run at a certain pace for an extended amount time and distance requires just as much psychological endurance and stamina as physical if not more.

Our ability to do anything starts in the mind as a thought/idea/belief etc. Physical abilities play a part in  getting things done, but the mental abilities of

📷someone can easily supersede or surpass physical abilities. An example of this is the many stories that we have heard of people willing themselves to walk after being paralyzed or being told they would be wheelchair bound only to defy the odds.

There are countless stories where the mental strength, endurance, and stamina has allowed people achieve the ultimate goals they set. Whether that was to walk again , become famous, become a successful business owner, and even parenting. I am a single mother of a 10 year old dark skinned black boy in America ...enough said LOL ..and LAWD knows the mental strength endurance and stamina it has taken thus far to raise him and what it's going to required the older he gets.

No matter how many complacent, unmotivated, uninspired, frustrated, overwhelmed, undriven (yes I said it again LOL), hopeless, helpless, unsure, doubtful and uncertain moments that you have in your journey to success NEVER I mean NEVER lose momentum, slow down or stop. Crossing the finish line and getting the win is way worth it. Consistency Wins!!!

I am going to keep blogging and pursuing my nail career and I want to you keep moving forward in you ventures!!

Unlock your potential until next time have a Blingstatic Day!

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